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Ysgol Halfway School

Learning Together, Growing Together



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Halfway Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects members of its community to share this commitment.


If a child shares a disclosure:

  1. Listen carefully to the child rather than ask direct questions
  2. Never stop the child who is freely giving you information
  3. Do not try to influence the child’s language
  4. Record the disclosure on the forms placed on the noticeboard in the main school office or in the staff room. Follow the instructions for recording information in each box. This information will then be entered onto the school ‘My Concern’ system by the DSP.
  5. Pass the information on to one of the Designated Senior members of staff immediately. Their photographs and roles are above.


  • If you have a concern about a member of staff:

                Record your concerns and notify one of the Designated Senior members of staff immediately.

  • If you have a concern about the Headteacher:

                Contact Mr Huw Griffiths the Chair of Governors on: