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Ysgol Halfway School

Learning Together, Growing Together


Motto, Mission Statement, Aims and Vision

School Motto

Learning Together, Growing Together


Mission Statement

Halfway Community Primary School is a kind, happy school where friendship and fun are part of our core. We pride ourselves on being the best that we can be, and that we are always respectful to our peers and staff. In doing so, we listen to everyone, and ensure that we keep high standards of behaviour, through having positive attitudes to learning so that we can reach our goals.


School Aims

As a school, we will endeavour to:

  • Create an innovative, exciting, relevant, and learner-led curriculum, which engages, and stimulates all learners to become lifelong global citizens;
  • Promote a growth mindset approach, where pupils set their own goals to improve, and have the confidence to achieve their own dreams;
  • Provide a range of pedagogical approaches, learning in a range of contexts through interdisciplinary contexts;
  • Challenge all learners, through an inclusive approach, so that our learners can progress;
  • Prepare our pupils as confident, resilient, happy, healthy citizens, who are ready, respectful, and safe;
  • Develop in all individuals the capacity to work both collaboratively, and independently, so that they can prosper in a rapidly changing world, becoming informed citizens;
  • Ensure that our children include and respect everyone, celebrating our achievements, differences through multicultural knowledge and understanding;
  • Be proud of our Welsh heritage to promote bilingualism, and enjoy learning through the medium of Welsh;
  • Make use of the children’s community and interests to stimulate their learning, and in turn make a positive contribution to the life of the locality;
  • Discuss sustainability in order for our children to become guardians of the world;
  • Critically engage our learners through real-life problem solving, completing challenges and missions that stimulate thinking;
  • Enable our learners to improve their respect for others, through promoting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) across the school.


Our School Vision:

Our vision for Halfway Community Primary School is to be a successful, inclusive, learner centred school, at the heart of the community. Our staff, governors, families, and children will work together to develop as:

  • Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.
  • Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.
  • Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world.
  • Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

Ensuring we are kind, forgiving, compassionate, and respectful to each other.


Miss Jayne K Thomas (Headteacher / Pennaeth)