Healthy Schools
Halfway Primary School is part of the Carmarthenshire County Council Healthy Schools' scheme. The project forms part of the 'World Health Organizations initiative European Network of Health Promoting Schools'.
Our aim here at Halfway Primary School is to help children to grow to be healthy, safe and responsible and become active citizens of our community and wider world.
There are seven different health topics that we as a school address. These include:
- Food and Fitness
- Mental and Emotional Health and Well Being
- Personal Development and Relationships
- Substance Use and Misuse
- Environment
- Safety
- Hygiene
Our Healthy Schools Council has discussed what we should do in Halfway in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. As a healthy school council, we have agreed the following:
Healthy snacks eaten at breaktime include fruit, vegetables, cheese and/or yoghurt.
Children in Year 1 to Year 6 will have access to the Fruit Trolley at breaktime for 20p or they can also bring in their own choice of healthy snack. If your child does have a diagnosed medical condition that affects their eating, then please talk to their class teacher.
Chocolate, sweets, biscuits, crisps, cakes and pastries are not allowed as everyday snacks in school. Chewing gum, fizzy drinks and ‘Prime’ are not permitted on the school premises or while the children are representing the school.
If children do have a different snack, it will be kept safe for them until the end of the school day to take home. We would also like to remind you that children should only have water or sugar-free squash in their water bottles in their classroom.
See Full Letter Below